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Welcome to the online blog for traveler/writer/photographer Steven Barber. Come in. Relax. Take off your shoes and socks -- or any other article of clothing, this is the internet. Have a look around. I hope to intrigue, amuse, entertain, and maybe provoke you just a little. I love to find adventure. All I need is a change of clothes, my Nikon, an open mind and a strong cup of coffee.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Having a large photographic record of my travels is wonderful for the memories it stirs when I go back to review some of the shots. The larger archives, not just those special images I have sold or posted on my own.

It also allows me to go back and see a place where there may have been more recent news or changes to the environment. Buildings which no longer exist. Signs. Tourist spots. Natural areas which have been substantially altered by nature, or man.

Route 150 is a relatively minor road. The official name is Casitas Pass Road. I took this image, along with dozens of other shots, as part of a project for the cover of a music CD. 

This one wasn't used, of course. 

What makes this image special is that it documents an area which was completely destroyed by the 2017 California wildfires which races through the hills surrounding Ojai and Lake Casitas.

The damage, I am told, was profound and complete. No doubt new growth will replace the old, but this place, as shown in the image below, is no longer there.

Route 150, west of Ojai. As it once was.


  1. That strip of 150 is haunted...drive very fast, next time, when driving in that area...and Ojai is also haunted.

  2. That area was one of my favorite jumping off points for day hikes and backpacking trips. It will heal but I will be much older than I am now until it looks as lush as it once did.
