About Me

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Welcome to the online blog for traveler/writer/photographer Steven Barber. Come in. Relax. Take off your shoes and socks -- or any other article of clothing, this is the internet. Have a look around. I hope to intrigue, amuse, entertain, and maybe provoke you just a little. I love to find adventure. All I need is a change of clothes, my Nikon, an open mind and a strong cup of coffee.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Picture of the Day - Tundra Buggy Lodge

   So...I've been considering how I can make this a more regular site for everyone. Rather than waiting the at-times couple of weeks between posts, how do I change the format enough to let you know there's a reason to drop by more often? 

The name of the blog is "The Thumbnail Traveler". The conceit behind it is using photographs to augment the writings, though to be perfectly honest I consider myself a photographer, not a writer.

So logic would dictate that the photographs herein would be the more important aspect, yes?

Beginning today I will be posting a shot a day, along with the background -- just a paragraph or so -- behind the picture. These are not portfolio level shots, they're merely photographs I have taken along the way. I have - no exaggeration -- tens of thousands of them. From places around the world. And the vast majority will never see the light of day under normal circumstances -- not for a lack of interest, but because they're simply not the sort of thing that shows up on an art site, or in an illustration. These are the "slices of life", moments in-between.

So, please come back on a regular basis. If plans hold, I will be posting daily, or nearly. Oftentimes I may choose an image I make while on the road, giving it more of an urgency than something I shot years ago. But, to me and hopefully to you, they're of some interest and truly live up to the moniker of The Thumbnail Traveler.

The luxurious accommodations....
First up: This is the hallway through the secondary "dorm" module of the Tundra Buggy Lodge, well outside Churchill, Canada. The lodge, a train of several massive vehicles chained together to form a small inn of sorts, is pulled out onto the tundra some thirty miles east of Churchill (later relocating even further out as the Hudson Bay freezes over). 

During the day, visitors are driven around the flat and frozen tundra in search of polar bears, arctic foxes and snowy owls, all of which we caught sight of during our adventure.

With some twelve bunks, it's a "sleeping train" compartment from which visitors can unwind and share a communal experience. Modesty not required.

It's an "edge of the world" adventure, not found much of anywhere else.

For additional information see the Frontiers North Adventures website:


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